

旭能光電第一期建置一條25MW非晶矽(a-Si)薄膜太陽能電池模組生產線,預計於2009年第二季開始量產。並規劃二期工程於2009年下半年動工,屆時將再增加非晶與微晶矽結合之產品,生產能力於2010年將增加到100MW。第三期工程計畫於2012年之前總生產能力可達200MW以上,並且產品種類除薄膜太陽能模組外,也將涵蓋大面積之光電建築一體(BIPV)模組與其它各類太陽光電應用。台中市 In first phase, Sunner Solar will employ a 25MW a-Si PV module production line, and the mass production is scheduled to start in 2Q, 2009. The second phase of expansion will begin from second half of 2009 with latest thin film product of amorphous and microcrystalline tandem. The overall production capacity will increase to 100MW in 2010. There will be a third phase of expanding plans which is focus not only to expand production capacity to over 200MW before 2012, but also to add various products in the PV applications and Building Integrated PV.